Anti-Caterpillar Strap Piege Contre La Chenille Collier Trampa para orugas Collar Caterpillar Trap Kit
Écopiège Transparent Piège Collier pour capturer les chenilles processionnaires du pin
Piège à chenilles processionnaires du pin
Kit trampa collar anti-orugas

- Best used against red nymphs through egg laying adults when their large body size quickly overwhelms "trap & hold control methods. Dead and dying lanternflies fall to the ground.
- Installs quickly, easily, and without nails that may harm the tree. See the four-step photo for installation.
- Product consists of a reusable plastic barrier strip that will provide years of service and an absorbent cotton wick that may be replaced each year. Both items are Made in the USA and are 12 feet long, enough for 2 to 4 trees.
- The plastic barrier strip has a smooth surface that is slick enough to prevent many pests from climbing across when used by itself. The barrier strip is designed with overhanging "petals" that prevent pests from jumping or flying across from the trunk below.
- The absorbent cotton wick provides a source for olive oil from your pantry or USP mineral oil from your medicine cabinet that adheres to pests claws and makes the slick barrier strip nearly impassible, even for adult lanternflies with fully-developed claws.
- Another benefit of olive oil or USP mineral oil laced with Insecticidal Soap (not provided) in a 50:1 ratio, is that mixture may cling to the lanternfly's abdomen, clog the pests breathing holes and/or break-down its cell membrane causing it to die and fall to the ground.
- Low maintenance; reapply olive oil or USP mineral oil to the cotton wick once a week to keep it oily to the touch for maximum effectiveness.